
The Eagle | Rosemary Sutcliff | Les Misérables | Star Wars
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The Eagle (2011) is a very loose movie adaptation of Rosemary Sutcliff's historical novel set in 2nd century Roman Britain, The Eagle of the Ninth. Both book and movie follow the quest of Marcus Flavius Aquila and the British slave Esca Mac Cunoval to find the lost standard of the Ninth Legion Hispana. This was my primary fandom for almost two years, and here you will find both book- and movie-based stories.

The following stories are divided into movie-based and movie/book fusion fic and strictly book-based fic. The vast majority are canon-era and canon-setting (although some are divergence AUs), but there are also a few fusion AUs and a handful of modern-day AUs.

The Eagle (2011)

Fanfiction based on the 2011 movie The Eagle.

Canon Era - During Canon

Ringed With Silver
Marcus/Esca, rated E for explicit sex, 8920 words
Podfic by Sophinisba
In which Marcus and Esca bond over their quasi-historical body piercings; Marcus pines a lot, gets hit in the face, and develops hypothermia; and Esca takes advantage of Saturnalia. A kinkmeme fill that somehow grew a plot.

More Bitter Than Hellebore
Esca-->Marcus, rated M for sexuality, 675 words
Esca wants things he should not want, for too many reasons to count. Set during Marcus's recovery at Calleva, kinkmeme fill for a prompt about Esca masturbating.

Fit Via Vi
Esca, Marcus, gen or preslash, rated T for violence, 1865 words
"Esca wants to hit Marcus Aquila. He wants to hit him so much it is all he can do not to dart in and take one of the many openings a lifetime spent with two brothers has taught him to spot and exploit, two beloved brothers who bled out in a ditch seven years earlier because of men like Marcus Aquila."

Marcus/Esca UST, rated T for sexuality and reference to sexual assault, 1900 words
"None of his other masters could break him, but sometimes Esca thinks Marcus might, if he tried." Warning: Contains non-explicit reference to past rape, not involving Marcus.

When the Tide Turns
Marcus/Esca preslash, rated G, 620 words
After the fight at the river, Marcus is sick from injury and hypothermia and they have to recuperate with the Selgovae before continuing south to Eburacum. Marcus and Esca have Unstated ~Feelings~ at each other. The slash is so faint it's basically gen like a Sutcliff novel.

Traitor or True
Seal Prince, Seal Boy, rated M for violence and canonical child murder, 2540 words
It is not that Cunomor of the Seal People wants to kill his only son: it is that he can see no other way. Warning: This story is not more graphically violent than the movie, but it is entirely about a father murdering his child, so I erred on the side of a higher rating.

Four Messengers to a Shaken House
Stephanos, Uncle Aquila, Marcus, rated G, 2045 words
A house once shaken by the gods lies cursed forever. In which Stephanos plays more latrunculi than he would like, and reflects upon both Aquilae. This was supposed to be crack, but ended up as a character study somehow. Mostly movie-based.

To Suffer Brave Things
Placidus/original female character, Placidus-->Esca, rated E for explicit sex, 12165 words
In which Servius Placidus wants things (and people) he shouldn't want, finds his legate and his career eternally frustrating, thinks himself above just about everyone, and finally manages to reach a mutually beneficial accommodation with his wife. Placidus/OFC, some one-sided Placidus > Esca, and some implied background Marcus/Esca. Warning for extremely awkward dutiful marriage sex in a not very happy marriage, early on. Also, heed the tags (my working title was "Placidus's Jerky Sexual Awakening").

Canon Era - Post-Canon

Until All the Songs Are Sung
Marcus/Esca, rated E for explicit sex and some violence, 19175 words
Illustration by Motetus, Far From Rome; and podfic by inkjunket
In which Esca seeks out his kin in Hibernia and Marcus goes with him; naturally, sex, adventures, and miscommunications ensue. Originally a kinkmeme fill for body paint porn, this somehow developed a bunch of plot.

The Fine Line Between
Marcus/Esca, rated E for explicit sex, 1960 words
"Esca's hand is fisted in the front of Marcus's tunic, and he's kissing Marcus desperately, messily, as if he doesn't quite have control of his body. Marcus wants him more than he's ever wanted anyone in his life. This, Marcus thinks, is not at all what he had expected when he asked if he could watch the man of the Brigantes tattoo Esca."

In Kind
Marcus/Esca, rated E for explicit sex, 2110 words
Esca's previous experiences have not given him to understand why Marcus could possibly want this act. Warning: Brief non-explicit reference to past rape.

Nothing of Greater Value (The Secret Latrunculi Master Cover)
Marcus/Esca, rated E for explicit sex, 2895 words
Marcus and Esca are locked in a cellar! However shall they pass the time? Perhaps with a little game...(yes, this is a Roman Strip Poker story. I have apparently written fluffy bondage crackfic.)

Like Honey Plunged Into Water
Marcus/Esca, rated E for explicit sex, 1430 words
Esca picks up some Egyptian fashion while the boys are doing unspecified (irrelevant) spy stuff. Marcus really, really likes it. Kinkmeme fill for "Esca in eyeliner, not AU" prompt.

Sweeter Than Honey
Marcus/Esca, rated E for explicit sex, 1700 words
Sequel to Like Honey Plunged Into Water; illustration by Motetus
An equally plotless sequel to "Like Honey Plunged Into Water," in which Marcus has some cheesecake, Esca is covered with honey, and there's fellatio. If you haven't read the first one, all you really need to know is that they're in Egypt doing...vague spy stuff.

The Art of the Possible
Marcus/Esca UST, rated T for sexuality, 1810 words
In which there is bathing, discussion of weird Roman holidays, and Marcus tries to help Esca out. Kinkmeme fill for Marcus giving Esca a massage.

A Thousand and a Hundred More
Marcus/Esca, rated T for sexuality, 1245 words
Esca is confused by this weird Roman custom of licking people's mouths, and asks Marcus to explain. Demonstrate. Something. (I actually do not really like this story, but oh well.)

Marcus/Esca, rated T for sexuality, 515 words
Marcus is willing to let Esca tie him up, until he isn't. Kinkmeme fill for the prompt "Marcus uses his safeword during a soft bondage scene and Esca comforts him."

With Strength
Marcus/Esca preslash/UST, rated G, 1700 words
On the way back from Eburacum to Calleva, an innkeeper offers to send a slave to tend Marcus's leg; Esca is not best pleased. Very very faintly slashy hurt/comfort and cuddling; kinkmeme fill.

In Vino Veritas
Marcus/Esca, rated T for sexuality, 1970 words
In which Marcus and Esca get drunk and read graffiti, and certain confessions are made. This is not the cracktastic humorous graffiti story I meant to write.

Marcus/Esca, rated G, 930 words
Esca wants Marcus to see and love him, Cunoval's son, and not the slave woman Rome thinks him to be. FTM!Esca.

The Hazards of Codeswitching
Marcus/Esca, rated T, 100 words
Sometimes a very nice sentence in one language sounds a lot like a very rude sentence in another, as Esca finds to his chagrin. Yes, it's a linguistics joke drabble. Rating for a single slightly bad word.

Completing the Mysteries
Placidus/original female character, rated M for sexuality, 100 words
If Servius Placidus cannot have what he wants, at least his wife is broad-minded. (Contains: Pegging, a terrible pun, gratuitous Satyricon reference. This probably qualifies as crack.)

Canon Era - Divergence AUs

One to Another
Marcus/Esca, Placidus, Cottia, rated E for explicit sex, 7250 words
Marcus is a common-born ex-soldier working in his uncle's pottery workshop when he meets Esca, the son of a local Atrebates horse-trader. A canon-era AU, where everyone is not quite so noble. Things look a little different from a lower perspective.

Five Roads Not Taken (And One That Was)
Marcus/Esca, Uncle Aquila, rated T for violence and character death, 8930 words
This is a Five Things Plus One story about ways that Marcus Flavius Aquila and Esca son of Cunoval might have met, and fortunately did not--and one way they did, which went rather better. Basically a set of depressing canon-era AUs plus some happiness.

Canon Era - Fantasy AUs and Crack

Beyond the Mists (dinosaur AU)
Marcus, Esca, rated T for violence, 20420 words
Illustrations by Motetus: one and two
There are stranger, more dangerous things in lurking in the mists of Caledonia than Marcus or Esca ever imagined. If they are to find the Eagle, they must first survive the terrible lizards, which will not be so easy if they cannot trust each other.

An Unexpected Gift (dinosaur AU)
Marcus, Esca, Uncle Aquila, rated G, 980 words
Alternate ending/sequel to Beyond the Mists
In which Marcus and Esca bring Uncle Aquila a gift from Magical Dinosaur Scotland, which doesn't do quite what it's supposed to.

The Beast of Indossa (dinosaur AU)
Marcus, Esca, rated G, 200 words
Had Marcus and Esca made it north as far as a certain lake in Scotland, they might have beaten St. Columba to first sighting of the Beast of Indossa by 328 years. Double-drabble. Also crack, obviously. Unrelated to other dinosaur AUs.

Den Is Where the Heart Is (werewolf AU)
Marcus/Esca, rated T for mild sexuality, 945 words
Sequel to Sineala's From the Depths of His Heart
After the events of Sineala's "From the Depths of His Heart," Marcus and Esca discuss home, and Esca decides to have the walls of his roundhouse painted in the Roman style. Marcus is not best pleased by the results. (P.S. Esca is still a werewolf.)

To the Sea Returned (selkie AU)
Marcus/Esca preslash, Seal Prince, rated T for violence, 1655 words
In which the Seal People really are seal people, and Marcus is very clueless about the hazards of Celtic mythology.

To the Ends of the Earth (The Seal Formerly Known as Prince Remix) (selkie AU, the crack version)
Marcus/Esca preslash, Seal Prince, rated T
Marcus is positive he saw the Seal Prince in Calleva. He's also positive he killed him. What he doesn't realize is how long a seal can hold his breath.

The Penis Mightier (The Celtic Boast Battle Mix)
Marcus/Esca, rated T for language, 690 words
Being the story of Esca son of Cunovalos and the Feast of Coria, wherein Esca proves himself the mightiest of the Briton warriors there assembled, and wins for himself the hero's portion. (A Celtic boast battle in the style of a translation of a medieval Irish epic.)

Alternate Universes (Fusions)

Prisoner of Conscience (Star Wars fusion)
Marcus/Esca, rated M for sexuality (some consent issues), 6925 words
Imperial Army Lieutenant Marcus Aquila thinks he has the worst posting ever--stuck in the lousiest garrison on the lousiest planet in the galaxy, with nothing to do but mind a desk and play Angry Mynocks, he'll never restore his family's honor. Then one of his men marches suspected Rebel spy Esca C'noval through the door, and Marcus finds out he was wrong. Things can always get worse.

Dolphin-Borne (Dinotopia fusion)
Marcus/Esca preslash, Cottia, rated G, 1975 words
Illustration by Motetus
Esca and Cottia and their Skybax mounts Nemesa and Aethra find a shipwrecked Roman soldier on the beach. The soldier, for his part, is somewhat distressed to wake up with a giant pterosaur sticking her curious beak into his face. The Eagle/The Eagle of the Ninth fusion with Dinotopia. (Very faintly slashy gen.)

Alternate Universes (Modern)

Where Do You Do Your Research, Wikipedia? (historical reenactor AU, slight crossover with Rosemary Sutcliff's Sword Song)
Marcus/Esca, ensemble, rated T for mild sexuality, 4830 words
In which Marcus is a historical novelist and almost all the characters are Roman-British historical reenactors; a romance in emails and bickering over historical details, with guest appearances by EVERYONE. (Rating is for a few slightly dirty text exchanges, nothing explicit.)

Capture the Centurion (historical reenactor AU)
Marcus/Esca, rated E for explicit BDSM sex, 3160 words
A shameless porn-and-snark sequel to Where Do You Do Your Research, Wikipedia? In which Marcus and Esca, historical reenactors, play kinky sex games in the woods. See notes for specific kinks if you have concerns.

Damn the Critics (historical reenactor AU)
Marcus/Esca, rated T for mild sexuality, 340 words
Sequel to Where Do You Do Your Research, Wikipedia? and Capture the Centurion
In which Marcus Aquila, best-selling historical fiction author and historical reenactor, forays briefly into writing gay porn, and meets with less-than-stellar reviews. His partner Esca is quite amused.

Learning Curve (grad student AU)
Marcus/Esca, rated G, 330 words
A coda to a story I haven't written yet, in which Marcus and Esca are graduate students, and Esca is frustrated about his dissertation. G-rated fluffy kink (which is to say non-sexual d/s undertones).

Come the Day (pagan AU)
Esca, Seal Prince, rated T for language, 930 words
Esca McConnell and his roommate Ciaran Mac Rònan observe the winter solstice, as best one can in a city flat. A story about grieving and friendship.

Rosemary Sutcliff Novels

Fanfiction based on the Rosemary Sutcliff novel The Eagle of the Ninth. All canon-era.

Marcus/Cottia/Esca, Uncle Aquila, rated G, 420 words
When Marcus, Cottia, and Esca come for a visit, Uncle Aquila notices something he hadn't seen between them before.

The Beast With Two Prickly Backs
Marcus/Cottia/Esca, rated T for implied sexuality, 630 words
Of all the things Marcus expected when he settled down to farm the chalk hills of the Down Country, being awoken in the night by mating hedgehogs was not one of them.

Warmed Out of the Grey Ash
Marcus/Cottia/Esca, rated T for sexuality, 2130 words
Podfic by greedy_dancer
Marcus, Esca, and Cottia build a house and a life in the Down Country. This is somewhat complicated by Esca being emotionally guarded, Marcus being prone to saying exactly the wrong thing, and Cottia being a teenager who's angry about everything. Warning: As a canon-compliant story, Cottia is 15 or 16 here, so if implied sex between a teenager and a 20-something bothers you, you may wish to avoid. Obviously she is an adult in her culture and historical context.

The End of the World Was Long Ago (sort of crossover with Rosemary Sutcliff's Sun Horse, Moon Horse)
Cottia, Esca (implied background Marcus/Esca/Cottia), rated G, 1925 words
Once, on his way south in chains, Esca saw a white horse carved into a hillside. Six years later, on their way to visit Cottia's mother, Cottia and Esca see the White Horse of Lubrinium, and Cottia tells Esca a story of the Iceni, long ago, before the Romans came to Britain.

Heron Feathers
Guinhumara/Cradoc, Marcus, rated G, 730 words
Guinhumara cannot quite let herself like her husband's new friend.

More Than Longing
Guern/Murna, implied Marcus/Esca, rated T for sexuality, 1370 words
Murna, the wife of Guern the Hunter, is not exactly thrilled by their visitors and the reminders of her husband's past that Demetrius of Alexandria brings.