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Worst-Case Scenario
by afrai

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Ichigo had thought his day couldn't get any worse, but you don't really understand the true meaning of 'worse' until you come home to find a shinigami asshole lying in your bed.

No, not lying. Reclining, because Kuchiki Byakuya would never do anything so vulgar as mere lying. He glanced up from his book, saw Ichigo, and seemed to wish he hadn't bothered.

"What," said Ichigo, "the hell are you doing in my -- "

"I believe there is bedding in the closet," said Byakuya.

"-- room? What? What are you doing here?"

A look of inexpressible tedium passed over Byakuya's face. It didn't make much difference.

"My duties require me to remain in this world indefinitely," he said. "I am requisitioning your room for that period of time."

"You -- are you wearing my dad's pyjamas?"

"If you have nothing further to contribute, shut the closet door when you get in," said Byakuya.

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