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Glitter and Fade
by Lit

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The dress was backless and shiny and the way it slipped down Rukia's shoulders made Renji's blood itch. She'd slapped his hands away when he tried to touch her though, something about makeup and sweat and his oily fingertips. He didn't listen, slouching down, fascinated by the way her skin glittered.

"How did you?" he asked.

"I didn't, moron. How would I know about girly things?"

Renji frowned. "Aren't you a girl?"

Rukia smacked him again.

* * *

Inside the club, it was hot and smoky and Rukia seemed to gleam under the lights. Renji could not tell if the music was good or bad; it was just loud, reverberating in his teeth and down through his feet. Rukia's mouth on his ear was a sudden, moist shock. His arms slid around her waist as she wound around his neck, sinuous as a snake. She was pulling them to the centre, breaking up dancers willy-nilly. Renji could feel their eyes, hot on his back.

"Stop scowling or this won't work," she told him, slipping her hands in his back pockets.

He looked down at her. It was easier when she was the only one he could see. "You can dance?"

Rukia's mouth twitched. "You call this dancing?"

"Shut up."

They swayed together, breaking apart when Renji tripped over Rukia's foot. She swore softly.

"You-" she began, but he was louder, reddening as he said, "Shut up!"

He saw the boy first, swimming through the crowd and reaching out to Rukia, a look on his face that was half-terrified but yearning. Renji wanted to punch his face in. He backed away into a corner, stealing an amber-filled glass from someone's table. His retreat had brought two new admirers out from hiding, circling around Rukia. She was dancing with her eyes closed, moving slow and soft, melting into the touch of strange hands as they brushed up against her.

Renji scowled and downed his drink in two long swallows, slamming it back down on the table.

"Excuse me...?"

When he looked up, there was a slip of a girl, hands clasped tight in front of her, wide-eyed and trembling. As far as he could make out, her dress was all scraps of pink silk.

"Would you," she started, but seemed to know before he spoke that the answer would be no.

Rukia was staring at him. He raised his head, but she was already looking away, tilting her head back to rest against her partner's shoulder. Renji stole another drink and resolved not to watch.

* * *

He was, he decided, a little drunk.

The tall brunette husked a laugh into his hair as she said, "But you're so cute like this."

She laughed again at his snarled answer, stroking his cheek and drifting away on a cloud of perfume. He was glad to see her go. Her watch had had an inconveniently sticky clasp.

"Is this all?" Rukia's voice was scornful, just behind him.

He turned to find her waving the watch at him, smirking. She had always been the better thief. He crushed her to his chest, grinning at the surprised squeak.

"You smell awful," he said.

"I don't have any pockets," she said crossly, and grabbed his hands as they wandered down her hips.

You got nothing?" He mimicked her earlier tone.

She flourished a set of keys at him. He kissed her breath away, until her smile changed to something deeper, darker and she dragged him out the door.

* * *

The car was easy to find, loud and tacky and the zig-zagged logo on the key painted boldly on its hood. They stared at it in silence.

"It's ugly," Renji said, finally.

"Shut up and get in," Rukia said.

Renji wriggled into the driver's seat, kicking aside paper cartons and various scrunched up remains of takeout containers. Rukia got in from the other side and shoved him out straight back out. He sprang up, furious, but his ranting was drowned out by the roar of the engine. Rukia stuck her head out of the window.

"Stop wasting time!" she shouted at him.

He dove in the passenger seat as the car reversed out of its space, toppling several nearby motorcycles.

"What are you, drunk?" he demanded.

She gave him an evil look. Renji's window cracked as they bounced off a tree and squealed onto the road. He scrabbled for the seat belt as other cars swerved around them, horns blaring.

Rukia took a curve on two wheels. "Are you saying I can't drive?"

"I don't think there's a way to describe you."

* * *

The car broke down outside the stylish front gates of an apartment, so Rukia suggested that they break in.

"As long," Renji said, "as I do not have to get into any more bloody cars with you trying to drive."

She gave him a black eye and after they had yelled at each other and calmed down a little, Renji tossed her up to the closest window and she broke the latch to get inside. He followed on a hasty rope of twisted bedsheets tossed down to him.

They had sex in the guestroom, then once more in the bathroom when Renji crowded Rukia up against the wall and turned on the water.

"What is this - flower soap?"

"How should I know?"

There was ice-cream in the freezer, so they turned on the television and fought over which channels to watch while eating from the carton with mismatched spoons.

* * *

They left quickly, Rukia curled up in a stolen coat too big for her and Renji's shirt slung over his shoulder. The morning mist was cold on his skin, but he was more distracted by his wet jeans. The walk home was long and silent.

Byakuya opened his door as they sneaked past, and Rukia stood frozen, her sandals dangling from one hand and Renji's hand on her back. His eyes were colder than winter, and his mouth shifted ever so slightly into a frown. Renji felt Rukia shiver, and moved forward.

"Byakuya, it was-" All my fault, he thought. Mine, not hers.

The door closed before he could finish. Rukia didn't move. Renji clenched his fist. Exhaustion swept over him like a wave, and he sagged a little. Rukia resisted when he pushed her, gently.

"He can't be more angry than he already is," he said, and she seemed to collapse in on herself but allowed him to lead her away.

She was pliant as he stripped off her ravaged clothing and dressed her in her favourite shirt, faded from too many washings. She put her head in his lap, but he could not bring himself to touch her.

"Was it good?" she asked, softly.

"It was."

They waited for morning to pass.

glitterverse | bleach | fanfiction | mail