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by afrai

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When Richard Mayhew returned to the Underside he came as the Warrior, and in almost every respect he was utterly changed from the man he had been Above.

But the past cannot be left behind, like a lost shoelace or a forgotten child. Sometimes Richard's dreams taste of blue skies and simple pleasures; sometimes they breathe of normalcy and comfortable boredom. Sometimes Richard dreams of London Above.

So this is what the Marquis does: he winds Richard's dreams from behind his shut eyes, when they are curled up warm together. Later he will take them to the market, where there is bound to be a good price for dreams of ordinary life, and if there isn't, the Marquis will make one.

It's a favour. In return, Richard dreams only of dark tunnels and the stinking breath of the Beast. When he wakes he belongs to London Below, and the Marquis.

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